LEGO Disney Princess: The Castle Quest is a magical Disney+ special that brings the iconic Disney Princesses to life in a whimsical LEGO adventure. This vibrant and comedic tale follows five beloved princesses—Ariel, Belle, Tiana, Moana, and Rapunzel—as they unite to solve a captivating mystery and save their kingdoms.
The story begins when the princesses receive a mysterious invitation to an enchanted castle. Once inside, they discover they’ve been summoned by none other than Gaston, the boisterous villain from Beauty and the Beast, who has taken control of the castle and plans to rule all their lands. To thwart his scheme, the princesses must work together, combining their unique strengths and creativity to navigate a series of intricate puzzles, daring challenges, and magical surprises.
Packed with humor, heart, and dazzling LEGO-style animation, The Castle Quest celebrates friendship, teamwork, and the courage of these iconic characters. Fans of all ages will delight in seeing their favorite princesses in a new light, embracing their heroic sides while staying true to their classic stories. Whether you’re a Disney aficionado or a LEGO enthusiast, this special offers a fun-filled escapade that sparks imagination and showcases the timeless magic of Disney Princesses.
Additional Details
- Director: Michael Black
- Executive Producers: Robert Fewkes, Sanjee Gupta, Pamela Keller, Keith Malone, Joshua Wexler and Jill Wilfert