“Ciao Alberto” is a series by Disney based on the beloved characters from the animated film “Luca.” The series continues to follow the adventures of Alberto Scorfano, a young sea monster, after the events of “Luca.” Set in the picturesque Italian Riviera town of Portorosso, “Ciao Alberto” explores Alberto’s life as he adapts to living with his new human guardian, Massimo, who is a fisherman.
The series focuses on Alberto’s day-to-day experiences, his efforts to fit in with the human world, and his ongoing desire for adventure and self-discovery. It expands on his relationship with Massimo, highlighting themes of friendship, family, and acceptance. “Ciao Alberto” captures the charming and colorful essence of its predecessor while providing deeper insights into its characters’ lives and the vibrant community around them.
Additional Details:
- Alberto: Jack Dylan Grazer
- Luca: Jacob Tremblay
- Massimo: Marco Barricelli
- Producer: Matt DeMartini
- Executive Producers: Enrico Casarosa and Pete Docter
- Director: McKenna Harris