Series Description:
“Kiff” is an animated musical comedy series that premiered on Disney Channel on March 10, 2023. Created by South African animators Lucy Heavens and Nic Smal, the show is inspired by their experiences growing up in Cape Town.
The series follows the adventures of Kiff, an optimistic young squirrel, and her best friend Barry, a mellow rabbit, as they navigate life in Table Town—a whimsical mountain community inhabited by magical creatures and anthropomorphic animals. Each episode features original musical numbers, adding a vibrant and dynamic element to the storytelling.
“Kiff” has been praised for its witty writing, relatable characters, and unique animation style. Critics have noted its appeal to both children and adults, with The New York Times highlighting it as a gateway to the gentle irreverence and surrealism found in animated favorites like “Adventure Time” and “Phineas and Ferb.”
The show’s success led to a second season renewal in June 2023, with the new season scheduled to premiere in 2025. A third season was announced in June 2024, ahead of the second season’s debut. Additionally, Disney Television Animation ordered two standalone specials between the first and second seasons, with the first special premiering on October 5, 2024.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2023
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney Junior
- IMDB Link
- Kiff Chatterley: Kimiko Glenn
- Barrington “Barry” Augustus Buns III: H. Michael Croner
- Martin Chatterley: James Monroe Iglehart
- Beryl Chatterley: Lauren Ash
- Mary Buns: Rachel House
- DJ 11:30: Josh Johnson
- Terri Two-Bowls: Nichole Sakura
- Candle Fox: Vella Lovell
- Roy Fox: Eric Bauza
- Principal Secretary: Nic Smal
- Helen: Lucy Heavens
- Miss Deer Teacher: Deedee Magno Hall
- Mr. Ri-Peppa: Eric Bauza
- Miss Tulane: Lucy Heavens
- Sweepy Steve: Kent Osborne
- Gareth and Darryn: Tom Kenny
- Trevor Angstrom: Tom Kenny
- Reggie: Eric Bauza
- Billiam: Eric Bauza
- Patty: Sophie Kim
- Renée du Bedat: Mary Mack
- Miss Moufflé: Aparna Nancherla
- Pawva: Katie Crown
- Trollie: Rhys Darby
- Glarbin Gloobin: Steve Little
- The Pone: Eugene Cordero
- Creators: Lucy Heavens and Nic Small
- Director: Allison Craig
Show Trailer:
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