“Kim Possible” is an animated action-comedy television series that aired on Disney Channel from June 7, 2002, to September 7, 2007. The show was created by Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle and quickly became one of Disney Channel’s most popular and iconic animated series.
The series follows the adventures of Kim Possible (voiced by Christy Carlson Romano), a high school student who leads a double life as a teenage spy and crime-fighting hero. With her best friend Ron Stoppable (voiced by Will Friedle) and his pet naked mole-rat Rufus (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), Kim takes on various missions to save the world from evil villains and supervillains.
Kim Possible is known for her intelligence, resourcefulness, and martial arts skills, making her an expert at dealing with the challenges that come her way. She works for a secret government organization known as Global Justice and is often tasked with saving the world from various threats while navigating the typical ups and downs of teenage life.
Throughout the series, Kim faces villains such as Dr. Drakken (voiced by John DiMaggio), Shego (voiced by Nicole Sullivan), and many other memorable antagonists. Alongside her crime-fighting adventures, the show also explores Kim’s personal life, including her interactions with her family, friends, and love interest, Ron.
“Kim Possible” is renowned for its witty humor, action-packed sequences, and strong female protagonist, which resonated with viewers of all ages. The show’s catchphrase, “What’s the sitch?” became iconic among fans.
The success of “Kim Possible” led to several TV movies, including “A Sitch in Time,” “So the Drama,” and “Kim Possible: The Secret Files,” further expanding the show’s universe and popularity.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2002
- Year of Finale: 2007
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: The Disney Channel
- IMDB Link
- Christy Carlson Romano: Kim Possible
- Will Friedle: Ron Stoppable
- Nancy Cartwright: Rufus
- Tahj Mowry: Wade Load
- John DiMaggio: Dr Drakken
- Nicole Sullivan: Shego
- Gary Cole: James Possible
- Jean Smart: Ann Possible
- Patton Oswalt: Professor Dementor
Show Trailer:
Related News:
- Composer Jim Dooley Discusses Scoring Disney’s “Kim Possible”, June 12, 2019
- ‘Kim Possible’ Boss on Live-Action Movie as ‘Wonder Woman’ for the ‘Prepubescent Set’, February 14, 2019
- “Kim Possible” Star Christy Carlson Romano Discusses her Role in the Live-Action Remake, February 1, 2019
- Epcot’s Kim Possible game to be re-themed with Phineas and Ferb, March 14, 2012
- Interactive ‘Kim Possible’ experience coming to Epcot, August 22, 2008
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