“Marvel Zombies” is an upcoming animated series set to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, produced by Marvel Studios and streamed on Disney+. The series expands on the storyline introduced in an episode of “What If…?” which featured Marvel superheroes turned into zombies in an alternate universe.
In “Marvel Zombies,” the narrative explores a post-apocalyptic world where a zombie plague has turned many Marvel heroes and villains into zombies. The series will delve deeper into this dark and twisted version of the Marvel Universe, focusing on both the survival horror elements and the battle between zombified superheroes and those who remain uninfected. The show is expected to feature a blend of horror, action, and the signature Marvel storytelling style, offering a unique and grim take on the familiar characters and settings of the Marvel Universe.
Additional Details:
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- Writer: Zeb Wells
- Director: Bryan Andrews