“Still the Beaver” is a television series that aired from 1983 to 1989. It is a continuation of the classic family sitcom “Leave It to Beaver,” which originally aired from 1957 to 1963.
“Still the Beaver” picks up where the original series left off, following the lives of the Cleaver family several decades later. The show focuses on the adult lives of Wally Cleaver (played by Tony Dow) and Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver (played by Jerry Mathers), who are now grown-up and facing the challenges of adulthood and parenthood.
Wally is a successful lawyer and businessman, while Beaver works at an accounting firm. The series also explores the lives of their families, including their wives, children, and other friends and neighbors.
The show continues the wholesome and comedic tone of the original “Leave It to Beaver,” depicting the ups and downs of family life, the importance of strong moral values, and the enduring bonds of siblinghood. It aims to capture a sense of nostalgia for fans of the original series while appealing to a new generation of viewers.
“Still the Beaver” is a heartwarming and family-friendly continuation of the classic sitcom, offering a glimpse into the lives of beloved characters as they navigate the joys and challenges of adulthood. It serves as a reminder of the enduring appeal of the Cleaver family and their timeless adventures.