Series Description:
“The Disney Sunday Movie” was a television series that aired on ABC from 1986 to 1988. It was a continuation of the long-running Disney anthology series that began with “Disneyland” in 1954, and later became “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color.”
“The Disney Sunday Movie” was a weekly program that aired on Sunday evenings, and it featured a mix of Disney films, made-for-TV movies, and animated specials. Some of the notable films and specials that aired on the show in 1986 included “The Love Bug,” “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,” and “The Christmas Star.”
In addition to films, “The Disney Sunday Movie” also featured a variety of original programming. For example, it aired the animated series “DuckTales” and “The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,” as well as the live-action series “The Disney Family Album,” which chronicled the lives and careers of notable figures associated with the Disney company.
One of the unique features of “The Disney Sunday Movie” was its use of celebrity hosts. Each episode was introduced by a different celebrity who provided background information on the featured films and shared their personal connection to Disney.
Additional Details:
- Host: Michael Eisner
- Creator: Walt Disney