The Mouse Factory

Last Updated on: November 25th, 2023

The Mouse Factory show“The Mouse Factory” was a television series produced by Walt Disney Productions that aired from 1972 to 1973. The show was a compilation of classic Disney cartoons, behind-the-scenes glimpses of how Disney movies were made, and interviews with Disney animators and other creative talents.

The show was hosted by a variety of Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Jiminy Cricket. Each episode was themed around a particular topic or subject, such as music, sports, or holidays, and included a mix of classic cartoons, short features, and interviews with animators and voice actors.

Overall, “The Mouse Factory” was a family-friendly show that aimed to showcase the creativity and artistry of Disney animation and provide viewers with an entertaining and informative look behind the scenes of the Disney studio.

Additional Details:

  • Year of Debut:
  • Year of Finale: 1973
  • Type of Series: Animated
  • TV Channel/Platform: Syndicated
  • IMDB Link


  • Creator: Ward Kimball

Show Trailer:

About the Author

Craig Smith
I am founder and editor of My passion for all things Disney goes pretty far back to my first trip to Walt Disney World in the mid-80's. I have since returned to the magical place more than 20 times. I started this site when I came to the realization that I spent a significant portion of my day reading articles about Disney and watching Disney content with my 8-year old, so it made sense that I would start sharing some of what I read and see and building a little community around it. Other interests include 80's nostalgia, vintage toys, video games, LEGO, Star Wars and tech gadgets. Other site isDMR.