Disney’s Lady and the Tramp (Live-Action), released in 2019, reimagines the classic animated tale with a fresh blend of realism and nostalgia. Set in a charming turn-of-the-century American town, the film follows Lady, a pampered Cocker Spaniel voiced by Tessa Thompson, as her world changes with the arrival of her owners’ new baby. Feeling displaced, Lady crosses paths with Tramp, a street-smart mutt voiced by Justin Theroux, who introduces her to a life of adventure beyond her manicured yard.
Directed by Charlie Bean, this live-action and CGI hybrid beautifully recreates the heartwarming romance that has captured audiences for generations. The film delves deeper into the bond between the pampered Lady and the scrappy Tramp, offering moments of humor, danger, and tenderness. The iconic spaghetti dinner scene is lovingly recreated, accompanied by a sweeping musical score that includes updated versions of beloved songs like “Bella Notte.”
Featuring a diverse cast, authentic animal performances enhanced with expressive CGI, and themes of love, loyalty, and finding home, Lady and the Tramp celebrates timeless storytelling in a modern way. It premiered on Disney+, making it a delightful addition to the platform’s offerings for families and nostalgic fans alike.
Additional Details
- Lady: Tessa Thompson
- Tramp: Justin Theroux
- Trusty: Sam Elliott
- Peg: Janelle Monae
- Bull: Benedict Wong
- Jackie: Ashley Jensen
- Darling: Kiersey Cemons
- Jim Dear: Thomas Mann
- Dog Catcher: Adrian Martinez
- Aunt Sarah: Yvette Nicole Brown
- Marco: Arturo Castro
- Director: Charlie Bean (LEGO Ninjago Movie)
- Writer: Andrew Bujalski
- Producer: Brigham Taylor
Movie Trailer:
Related News:
- New Trailer Debuts for ‘Lady and the Tramp’, October 16, 2019
- Lady and the Tramp: Siamese cat characters to be scrapped from Disney remake, May 9, 2019
- ‘Lady and the Tramp’ Will Reinvent Problematic Siamese Cat Song, Feature New Music From Janelle Monae, May 6, 2019
- Janelle Monae Joins Disney’s ‘Lady and the Tramp’, October 13, 2018
- Thomas Mann Joins Disney’s Live-Action ‘Lady and the Tramp’, August 24, 2018
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