In this heartwarming romantic adventure, a timeless re-telling of the 1955 animated classic, Lady, an overachieving, pampered American Cocker Spaniel house dog and Tramp, a tough but lovable, fast-talking stray, embark on an unexpected adventure and, despite their differences, grow closer and come to understand the value of home.
Additional Details
- Lady: Tessa Thompson
- Tramp: Justin Theroux
- Trusty: Sam Elliott
- Peg: Janelle Monae
- Bull: Benedict Wong
- Jackie: Ashley Jensen
- Darling: Kiersey Cemons
- Jim Dear: Thomas Mann
- Dog Catcher: Adrian Martinez
- Aunt Sarah: Yvette Nicole Brown
- Marco: Arturo Castro
- Director: Charlie Bean (LEGO Ninjago Movie)
- Writer: Andrew Bujalski
- Producer: Brigham Taylor
Movie Trailer:
Related News:
- New Trailer Debuts for ‘Lady and the Tramp’, October 16, 2019
- Lady and the Tramp: Siamese cat characters to be scrapped from Disney remake, May 9, 2019
- ‘Lady and the Tramp’ Will Reinvent Problematic Siamese Cat Song, Feature New Music From Janelle Monae, May 6, 2019
- Janelle Monae Joins Disney’s ‘Lady and the Tramp’, October 13, 2018
- Thomas Mann Joins Disney’s Live-Action ‘Lady and the Tramp’, August 24, 2018
Related Song(s):
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