New Millennial Pink MagicBand Color Introduced

Published on 12/22/17 by Craig Smith

MagicBands have become pretty much become a way to make a fashion statement while visiting Walt Disney World. With so many colors and designs available these days, it is easier than ever to show off a bit of your personal style on your wirst during your vacation. This week, Disney added to their collection of available MagicBand 2 designs by introducing a new millennial pink MagicBand as well as a new brown Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs design. Here is a quick look at the two new MagicBands:

millennial pink magicband

Image courtesy Disney Parks

snow white and the seven dwarfs magicband

Image courtesy Disney Parks

The new Snow White MagicBand went on sale on December 18th and retails for $22.99, while the millennial pink MagicBand will be available starting January 8th for $12.99.

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