Series Description:
“Jake and the Never Land Pirates” is an animated children’s television series that aired on Disney Junior from 2011 to 2016. The show was created by Roberts Gannaway and Brian Swenlin and is based on the characters from J.M. Barrie’s classic story “Peter Pan.”
The series follows the adventures of Jake (voiced by Colin Ford) and his crew, Izzy (voiced by Madison Pettis) and Cubby (voiced by Jonathan Morgan Heit), who are young pirates living in Never Land. They sail the seas in their pirate ship, Bucky, and embark on various quests and missions to find treasure, outwit Captain Hook (voiced by Corey Burton), and keep the island safe from mischief.
As they explore Never Land, Jake and his friends encounter classic Peter Pan characters like Tinker Bell, Captain Hook, Smee, and the Lost Boys. They also face off against Captain Hook’s bumbling henchman, Mr. Smee (voiced by Jeff Bennett), and the sneaky Tick-Tock the Crocodile.
The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, and music, featuring catchy songs and engaging storytelling. Each episode involves problem-solving, teamwork, and valuable life lessons, teaching young viewers about friendship, sharing, and perseverance.
“Jake and the Never Land Pirates” is designed for preschool-aged children and offers age-appropriate content that fosters creativity and imagination. The show’s bright and colorful animation, along with its positive and relatable characters, makes it appealing to its target audience.
The series was well-received by both children and parents, becoming a popular choice on Disney Junior. It earned several Daytime Emmy Award nominations and was praised for its entertaining and educational content.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2011
- Year of Finale: 2016
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney Junior
- IMDB Link
- Colin Ford, Sean Ryan Fox, Cameron Boyce, Roley Thomas Stewart and Gabe Egerling: Jake
- Madison Pettis and Megan Richie: Izzy
- Jonathan Morgan Heit and Jadon Sand: Cubby
- David Arquette: Skully
- Corey Burton: Captain Hook
- Jeff Bennett: Mr Smee, Bones
- Loren Hoskins: Sharky
- Creator: Bobs Gannaway
- Director: Howy Parkins
- Executive Producer: Rob LaDuca
- Producer: Mark Seidenberg
Show Trailer:
Related News:
- Disney Junior Set to Launch March 23, January 11, 2012
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