“In Summer” is a song from the 2013 Disney animated film “Frozen“. The song is performed by the character Olaf, a snowman who dreams of experiencing summer, despite the fact that he is made of snow and would melt in the heat.
In the song, Olaf sings about his fascination with summer, and his desire to experience its joys and pleasures. The song is characterized by its upbeat and cheery melody, its comical and lighthearted lyrics, and the endearing and playful vocals of Josh Gad, the actor who voiced Olaf.
“In Summer” was composed by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who also wrote the other songs for “Frozen”. The song is notable for its humorous and tongue-in-cheek lyrics, as well as its contribution to the overall humor and charm of the film. The song has since become a fan favorite and a popular choice for covers and performances, and it remains one of the most memorable and beloved songs from “Frozen”.
Listen to In Summer (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Olaf (Frozen)
- Song Written By: Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez
- Song Performed By: Josh Gad
- Year Released: 2013
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