Series Description:
“Under the Sea: A Descendants Story” is a live-action short-form special that premiered on Disney Channel on September 28, 2018.
This 10-minute feature continues the narrative of Disney’s “Descendants” franchise, focusing on the characters Mal and Uma, portrayed by Dove Cameron and China Anne McClain, respectively. The storyline follows Mal as she emerges from a mystical forest onto a dark coastline, where she encounters Dizzy, played by Anna Cathcart. The encounter leads to a confrontation with Uma, who, through magical means, challenges Mal, culminating in an underwater showdown.
The special also includes appearances by Thomas Doherty and Dylan Playfair, reprising their roles as Harry and Gil, members of Uma’s pirate gang. “Under the Sea” is noted for its impressive visual effects and dynamic musical performances, including a rendition of “Stronger” by Dove Cameron and China Anne McClain. This special serves as a bridge between “Descendants 2” and “Descendants 3,” offering fans deeper insight into the rivalry between Mal and Uma.
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Show Trailer:
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