“Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Lightsaber Duels” is a fighting game developed by Krome Studios and published by LucasArts. Released exclusively for the Nintendo Wii in 2008, the game allows players to take on the role of various characters from the Star Wars universe, wielding lightsabers and fighting against enemies.
The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, with local and online multiplayer support. The story mode follows the events of the first season of the “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” television series. The combat system utilizes the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, allowing players to perform various attacks and maneuvers by swinging the controllers in different ways.
At a Glance
- Developer: Krome Studios
- Publisher: LucasArts
- Year Released: 2008
- Number of Players: Multiplayer
- Available On: Wii