“The Tyrant” is an upcoming Korean drama series that delves into the life of a ruthless leader navigating the treacherous world of politics and power.
Set in a modern-day dystopian society, the series follows the protagonist’s ascent to dominance, marked by cunning strategies and moral dilemmas.
As he consolidates power, personal and political conflicts intensify, revealing the complexities of his character and the sacrifices he makes.
With an ensemble cast, gripping storyline, and intense character development, “The Tyrant” promises to be a captivating drama that explores themes of ambition, loyalty, and the human cost of absolute power.
Additional Details:
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Hulu/Disney+
- Cha Seung-won: Lim Sang
- Kim Seon-ho: Director Choe
- Kim Kang-woo: Paul
- Jo Yoon-su [ko]: Chae Ja-kyeong
- Writer & Director: Park Hoon-jung