“Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” is a live stage show that takes place in front of Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. This colorful and lively show celebrates the theme of friendship and features beloved Disney characters from various animated films.
The show typically includes Mickey Mouse and his friends, as well as characters from newer Disney films like “Tangled,” “The Princess and the Frog,” and “Frozen.” They come together to share their own stories and the importance of friendship in a musical and entertaining performance.
Goofy has invited Tiana and friends from the Land of the Bewitching Bayous to infuse a little spice of New Orleans jazz in the party. Donald Duck brings some new friends he met at the Snuggly Duckling from the Land of Enchanted Woods to shake their tail feathers. Daisy has asked Rapunzel and Flynn to “comb” over and sing along. Mickey even recruited Olaf, Anna and Elsa from the Land of the Mystic Mountains to cast some extra cool touches! (source)
“Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” incorporates singing, dancing, and impressive choreography. The show often features vibrant costumes and sets that transport the audience to the magical world of Disney.
At a Glance
- Disney Resort: Walt Disney World Resort
- Disney Park: Magic Kingdom Park Info News and Attractions
- Park Area: Magic Kingdom Fantasyland
- Attraction Type: Disney Park Show
- Official Page
- Year Opened: 2016
- Replaced: Dream Along with Mickey Stage Show
- Location on Map