Buddy (Superkitties)

Last Updated on: January 27th, 2024

Who is Buddy?

Buddy is a character from the animated television series “SuperKitties.” He is a distinctive white, purple, and gray spotted cat known for his large size compared to the other SuperKitties.Buddy (Superkitties)

Voiced by JeCobi Swain, Buddy is an integral part of the team, offering both physical strength and a unique ability that sets him apart. This ability, known as “furball blitz,” enables Buddy to transform into a ball of fur, allowing him to roll into objects effectively. This skill is not only visually entertaining but also serves as a crucial tool in various adventures and challenges the SuperKitties face. As Sparks’s younger brother, Buddy’s character adds a familial dimension to the show, highlighting themes of sibling dynamics and teamwork within the superhero context​​.

The Collection:

Here is the Internet’s largest collection of Buddy related movies, TV shows, toys and other products. As always, new pieces are added to this collection regularly.

Show Appearances